Member to Member
Congregational Joys & Concerns
Loving Hearts & Helping Hands (or LHHH) is the name of UUTC’s care team. Some members of UUTC are official care team members, but in our church ALL of us care for one another. Loving, accepting, caring for, and celebrating one another is what we all strive to do. Sharing our joys and sorrows is a tangible way of caring for one another.
If you have a personal milestone, health crisis information, or life passage (sorrowful or celebratory) which you would like to share, use the form below to tell us. We will include your message in the next Member to Member Congregational Joys & Concerns note to membership (with your permission).
You may also use this form to request pastoral care.
Submit your request/s using the box below.
Your information will be sent to Rev. Bob Renjilian and the Loving Hearts, Helping Hands Team and will only be published with your consent.